Ootdoor Kitchen Project Done Dari Barang Bekas Sebagai Metode Pengolahan Limbah Barang Bekas

Remember our outdoor kitchen project? After months of hiatus we finally done it. This is the magnificent duo of our oven brick and smoke house. Yes, they are build with waste material but we love every inch of it. Oven pizza-nya sudah melalui proses curing selama 3 bulan so it is ready to use everytime wohoooooo…

Oven pizza ini mampu menampung beberapa loyang sedang sekaligus dan smoke house ini mampu bekerja untuk 20 kilogram daging sekali proses.  Banyak amat? Iyes dong…khan kami mau buat coffee shop and eatery kedepannya hihihihi. So the twins has done and ready to use, so we will use it right away because our manila ducks are ready to harvest…yumm…